From Concept Rendering to Design

It began as a tribute to Damar Service’s Financial Donors.

Architura Corporation’s principal architect, Michael Conly, was commissioned by Damar Services, Inc., to design what is now called “The Damar Recognition Garden”. Damar is an organization that serves children and young adults with severe developmental disabilities. Without the support of Damar’s donors and volunteers, they could not maintain the level of quality services to their clients that they now provide.

Below is a good example of how Architura’s client’s wishes can move from a concept idea to a design reality.

Hand drawn rendering - original client concept design


When a client accepts the hand-drawn concept a 3D photo-realistic rendering is created to better enhance the client’s visualization, using computer equipment to graphically render the image displayed against a backdrop in the context of the project site.

At Architura, only the highest quality graphic design software products are used. This is reflected in the quality of buildings designed by our firm. We specialize in 3D architectural rendering of designs focused commercial properties, government buildings, automotive related businesses, healthcare centers, and courthouse renovations.

DAMAR Donor Recognition Garden 3-D Concept Rendering

Below is a photograph taken by principal Charles Kotterman. This shows the final product of the Damar Recognition Garden, a fine example of Architura’s quality work and how we bring the client’s wishes to reality.